Thursday 3 February 2011

Bout merch/craft round up - Tarzan and Pain

First things first, our second home bout, Tarzan and Pain, was incredible! The lovely, lovely Middlesborough Milk Rollers were fantastic, and the score of 189-34 does not reflect their performance. They looked great out there. As did the Sheffield Steel Roller Girls.
This was a double header bout, with some Merby action following the main girl on girl show. That was quite an eye opener - aggressive, fast and great fun to watch.

There were several stalls in addition to our merch stand. There were beautiful things from Imogen's Imagination, Knit and Destroy, Sour Cherry, Razorblade Mermaid, Calamity Dame Apparel and Mute Art

Our mech stand had our usual assortment of t-shirts, cupcakes, totebags, baby gros and a few more unusual pieces.
The sock monkey's in team colours were a huge hit, and seem to be gone in the blink of an eye. Kami's lovely headbands also seem to sell well, the eclectic mix of colours and bow/bead combi
nation's were spotted on lots of the girls in the crowd. The scrabble tile necklaces are now adorning the necks of half of the northern roller girls, I think.

Next time we're planning to be more organised (such as remembering facinators...!) And getting our heads round shrinky plastic jewelry amongst other things. All suggestions for what we can craft for next time are welcome :)

Saturday 22 January 2011

Feathery fun

I've been playing with the idea of making some pretties for the merch stall at our Tarzan and Pain bout next weekend. At first I was going to make some cute bags from this fun vinyl material

but I'm away during the week and have no access to a machine so that was a no go. I will make some but once I have my machine with me - hand sewing vinyl is a bitch.

So then I thought and decided on fascinators - pretty and easy to make. Last week I bought from ebay some feathers and got some hair clips from a shop in town and today I set to it. I got into a bit of a mess with the glue: fluff and sticky do not play well together but this is the end result.

I think that it worked out pretty well. I need to get some more shiny things like sequins but I shall now go and make some more and hopefully they will sell at the bout.


Friday 21 January 2011

This is what happens when you give rollergirls shrinky plastic

Hotrod came over last night to "craft". The reality was we pigged out on crisps, cookies and wine. But we did play with the last of the shrinkies.
This is Holly Hotrod's creation.

We're classy girls!!

Loves and shoves
Savage Steel

Thursday 20 January 2011

Shrink plastic skate stuff

I've always fancied playing with heat shrink plastic/shrinkies/shrinky dinks since I was little, but some how my mum wasn't convinced about me filling the house with bits of plastic (all-be-it shrunken) tat.
But on impulse I bought a couple of sheets in a $2 shop in Singapore last month. And wow! It's so worth the wait! It's such a wow moment when the bit of 'art' you've created shrinks into something cute and adorable in seconds. It might not have started out that cute, but as we all know, miniaturisation makes anything better.
There's a gut clenching moment when the plastic shrivels and deforms, but you must have faith and keep the heat on, and it will unfurl into something small (and admittedly a bit tat-like)!
So far all I can think is to make derby related pieces. But now I can have as many pendants as I like!

Ps adding silver embossing powder is very cool!

Loves and shoves
Savage Steel

Saturday 15 January 2011

Baby shoes

Last week I was rabbiting about some baby shoes, and I've never given you an update. Well they turned out pretty darn cute (or at least I think they did).
They were pretty fiddly in places, but they inspired me to make more (there's boy babies on the way, so I made denim ones). I've adjusted and tweaked the pattern as I've gone on, so I'm going to share it with you all as soon as I get on my computer and can download all the pics, as I think they're needed to explain it properly.
I've played with a couple more shoe patterns over the week, but I've ended up getting frustrated with the results of most.
Like a good derby girl, what I really wanted to make was some iddy biddy roller skate booties. I'm still battling with how to do this one, so far they look like cars...but I'll share them with you and maybe you can help me out!
But here's my first attempt at baby shoes:

The flowers are from my stash of scrapbooking stuff, easy to do. And I put a popper fastener on underneath, though it's not an ideal fastener for baby shoes.

Loves and shoves
Savage Steel

Friday 14 January 2011

Wrong, just wrong

Okay, so Wendy may not be one of the top wool brands in terms of luxury and loveliness but it does a good range of solid low cost yarns and I think some of them are great. One of my faves is Serenity. This came out as an aran weight a couple of years ago and was fab and this winter they released a super chunky weight which is good too. Have knitted house socks from it and am planning on using it more.

But . . . why did they think that this would be a good idea?

Does this make you go "OOOooo, that's a lovely yarn, I want to knit the potato sack with it?"

It's wrong I tell you, so wrong

Glamgirl xx

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Small skating disaster

Oh, and the reason why I'm fiddling with fimo on a work day is that I had a bit of a splodgy landing at derby on Sunday. I was trying to avoid landing on my bum and I ended up flipping forward and spraining my ankle. It's very colourful!

Loves and shoves
Savage Steel